PokePad Testimonials

The Best Pokemon Cosplayer Dating App

"PokePad is great! I relocated to the US for college and was scared that I wouldn't make any friends. Pokemon Go just wasn't working for meeting people - they all just want to catch the raid boss instead of actually talking to me. Then I found out about PokePad, where I can really share my interests. I had no idea there were so many people out there that also realize they are Pokemon and sleep in giant Pokeballs at night! Thanks to PokePad, I found a trainer who takes great care of me. I hate going to the gym, so my trainer always gives me lots of Proteins instead!"

"PokePad has changed my life. I went from attending furry conventions to Twineedle parties in my mom's basement (DON'T TELL!!!) with girls AND guys! Sometimes we touch, but no homo. I never thought I'd meet so many other people out there to bond with that have sewn in fleshlights to their livesize pikachu dolls. Thanks PokePad!!!"